It’s Okay, If I’m Not Okay

It’s Okay, If We’re Not Okay Wednesday Night – 7/22/2020 Min. Annette Thomas THE REPLAY It's Okay, If I'm Not Okay by Min. Annette Thomas Class...

Walk the Walk. Don’t Just Talk.

Walk the walk, Don’t just talk the talk.  Talk is cheap.  Be doers of God’s Word. Wednesday Night – 7/8/2020 Rev. J. Rollerson THE REPLAY Walk the Walk. Don't Just Talk the Talk. Talk is Cheap. Be Doers of God's Word by Rev. J. Rollerson...

Prayer School: Doors

Prayer School: Doors Min. Michelle Lester & The Prayer Team 7/6/2020 Assignment: Bring scripture(s) that describe what you see in the following picture – *Hint* This may be a scripture that relates to a door, doorway, lock, key, etc. The...