Welcome Home to The Park
A Place of Higher LearningPastor Carver & First Lady Teresa Adams
6360 JJ Lemmon Rd. | Dallas, TX 75241
Welcome Home to The Park
A Place of Higher Learning
Pastor Carver & First Lady Teresa Adams
Join Us for Service
Sundays @ 9am | Discipleship Training
Sundays @ 10am | Sunday Morning Worship
In Person or Facebook Live
Wednesdays @ 6:30pm | Discipleship Training
In-Person or Conference Call
Morning Prayer
Wednesdays @ 7 AM
Saturdays @ 8 AM
Conference Call Number
Dial: 1-872-240-3311
Access Code: 214-043-933
Give Online
Living generously isn’t just about money. It is about transformation. Thank you for your support.

Conference Call #: 1-872-240-3311 Access Code: 214-043-933
Our Mission & Vision
Encounter God.
Know the love of God.
Share the Word of God.
We are a training ground where people from all walks of life can grow and be transformed. We equip people to seek the lost, strengthen the weak and bring reformation to our community and beyond.
About Our Pastor
Pastor Carver Adams an established leader, Revolutionary mind changer, a family man, and a compassionate and loving pastor. As a pioneering leader, Pastor Adams is profoundly regarded for his vision, boldness, and unapologetic courage to walk in the faith of Jesus Christ.